
July 2021
Outdoor activities it is! A puzzle challenge through New Haven...


Fall 2020
Our new graduate students have passed their qualifying exams! Time for a distanced pandemic celebration in our new court yard.


November 2019
A wonderful lab hike at Sleeping Giant.


Summer 2019
We moved into our brand new research building! ELI magazine featured our lab (photographs by Tony Fiorini).

New lab space in the Yale Science Building for professor Josien van Wolfswinkel in the department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.

9/26/19   11:05:08 AM
Photo by Tony Fiorini
New lab space in the Yale Science Building for professor Josien van Wolfswinkel in the department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.

9/26/19   11:29:01 AM
Photo by Tony Fiorini
New lab space in the Yale Science Building for professor Josien van Wolfswinkel in the department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.

9/26/19   11:09:25 AM
Photo by Tony Fiorini
2019-09-26-Wolfswinkel-089_cut copy
New lab space in the Yale Science Building for professor Josien van Wolfswinkel in the department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.

9/26/19   10:45:34 AM
Photo by Tony Fiorini
New lab space in the Yale Science Building for professor Josien van Wolfswinkel in the department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.

9/26/19   10:54:15 AM
Photo by Tony Fiorini

January 2019
Our postdoc David made us all our own Schmidties to keep us warm during the Connecticut winter!


June 2018

Summertime in the lab. Welcome to all our summer students!


November 2017

Danyan passed her qualifying exam with flying colours! Time for a lab celebration!

September 2017

Cliff has left us to try out a new state, but Rachel Savage has joined our lab as a new postgraduate associate. Welcome Rachel!

May 2017

Our work was featured at the 2017 Yale Science and Engineering Forum.

April 2017

Graduate student Danyan Li and Postdoctoral associate Brian Jones have joined our group. Welcome, and happy worming to both!

September 2016

The lab is growing as well as the worms are. A warm welcome to Postdoctoral associate David Taylor and Research assistant Cliff Aquino!


August 2016
Last Thursday we had our first lab outing, together with the Dimitrova Lab. We had a lot of fun, and gained a new perspective on New Haven!



July 2016

NIH-PREP student Carmen Conroy has decided to join the lab, bringing a bit of Californian sunshine along. Welcome Carmen!


June  2016

Our first flow-though system is up! The happy sound of splashing water...



May 2016

Yale students Shiyuan Mao and Kwasi Enin are joining us this summer. Exciting times ahead for them and for the worms!